Yes, School Childrens are helping the companies to
collect the electronic goods and the executive gives them a full introduction
that how the waste is generated and what are the hazards of such problem. There
are 100 schools had participated in the program called ‘Responsible Recycling’.
Thousands of students have participated and got a full knowledge about the
harmful effect of the waste, on human life and more importantly on the
environment. The program was kicked off by the entrepreneur and NGO SAAHAS and
EMC India Center of Excellence, the main goal for starting the program was to
let them know about the waste and how they can control it and also its effect
on their life and environment because they are the one who will face the same
problem in the future.
Also, their goal is to inspire their
parents and area to control the large amount of the electronic garbage deployed
in the landfills. As of SAAHAS, they see the children as the future and
inspiring them will probably help them to control the critical amount of e-garbage.All
they need to do is collect ‘don’t use devices’ from their house and put it in
the trash.
“Today’s students are digitally native; they are growing up with a
multitude of devices and are key influencers of digital behavior at home and in
their peer group. EMC believes that engagement with this critical sector can
have an impact on how the wider population perceives, understands and takes
action on eWaste disposal, particularly in Bangalore.”
The E-waste Program started in the Wgitefiel
area at the Ecumenical Christian Center and was completely dedicated to teach
them about the problem and their involvement in the program. The collection and
isolation were the main part of the program. Also a Band participated in the
program, who uses all instruments made by the garbage.